Mayor Rob Ford mum on jailhouse beating lawsuit
Jailhouse beating meant to keep Rob Ford’s secrets, lawsuit alleges
In an interview with a Washington, D.C. radio station, Ford refused to address the allegations — which have yet to be proven in court — for a second day in a row.
“You know what guys, I can’t talk about it — it is all before the courts and that’s all I’ve got to say,” Ford told The Sports Junkies on 106.7 The Fan. “I can’t say anything.”
Ford agreed the ongoing controversies make him “crazy.”
“What are you going to do? You’ve just got to focus on saving taxpayers’ money and work out,” he said.
One of the radio hosts commented on how, despite all the scandals, nothing seems to get Ford down or affect him.
“No, never, we’re going to win the next election, I just can’t wait until Oct. 27,” Ford said. “I let my record speak for itself, if they want to get personal, let them get personal but people think with their pocketbooks.”
The mayor also refused to answer questions later at City Hall about the lawsuit.
Councillor Joe Mihevc said most councillors don’t know whether the allegations are “credible or incredible.”
“Most of us feel we want to turn the page — I don’t care whether it happened or didn’t happen, I want to move on,” Mihevc said. “I want to move on to city business … and stop the distraction.
“It’s a sideshow soap opera that is now getting tiresome and even boring.”
Councillor Giorgio Mammoliti said he didn’t know how to respond to the statement of claim.
“Did a judge rule on it? Is it rumor? Is it innuendo? Is it just somebody that is really upset at the mayor? I don’t know,” Mammoliti said. “Should I be saying that I should worry about my legs? I don’t know. What a question.”
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