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Criminal Lawyer Discusses The Reasons Behind Prosecuting Dellen Millard Again

Home » News » Criminal Lawyer Discusses The Reasons Behind Prosecuting Dellen Millard Again

Convicted killer Dellen Millard is about to go on trial for the third time. The possibility of him ever getting out is slim to none, even without this third conviction. So why are they spending the time and money to prosecute him a third time? Toronto criminal lawyer Edward Prutschi discusses it on NewsTalk1010.

This third charge is over the alleged murder of his father, which prosecutors believe was done in order to take over the family company and money. It was initially ruled a suicide. Practically, there is no real reason to prosecute again as Millard isn’t likely ever going to be released.

However, Prutschi explains the government has an ethical obligation. These are real people, real victims, and real families that want, and deserve justice. There are other reasons to convict in this case. If convicted, Millard’s ability to inherit will be put in jeopardy, and limiting his access to these funds is one reason for prosecution. If the Crown didn’t prosecute these third charges, it could be viewed as letting him get away with murder.

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